Command line ferret engine

Hi Champs,

I am using this fuzzy query in ferret engine to search something.
“Summary.find_with_ferret(@fuzzy_query, {:limit => :all})” where Summary
is a model class which contains each and every details of any item.

Now, when i run this code in GUI, I mean when i search something in
browser it works fine. But when i test this by command line by passing
the same parameters as i do using GUI, its not working. I am doing it
like this in integration testing :- post “/home/seach”, :search_value =>
“abc”. This fuzzy query gives me nothing. I am snatching my head over
Hope i’ll get my answer here… :slight_smile:

2010/1/20 Hemant B. [email protected]:

“abc”. This fuzzy query gives me nothing. I am snatching my head over

I don’t know about ferret but I would have thought that would be a get
rather than a post. Have a look in development.log and see what is
the request sent when you click on the link that works in your


No it is post only… I tried my luck giving it “get” as well but not
working… Also the query generates the same thing. select * from
summaries … before it, it is setting the default ferret variables.

Anyway thanks for your quickie :slight_smile:

Colin L. wrote:

2010/1/20 Hemant B. [email protected]:

“abc”. This fuzzy query gives me nothing. I am snatching my head over

2010/1/20 Hemant B. [email protected]:

No it is post only… I tried my luck giving it “get” as well but not
working… Also the query generates the same thing. select * from
summaries … before it, it is setting the default ferret variables.

So what is the difference between the logs between running it from the
browser and running it from the test?
When you say the search is not working in the test what do you mean?
I presume you have got some data in the test database via fixtures or
whatever so the search will find something.


Yeah Colin… You are right. there should not be any difference in
searching from browser or from test… But still the problem exists. Also
i executed rake db:test:load to take all the development data into test

Is there any parameter we have to use during test or something else … ?

Colin L. wrote:

2010/1/20 Hemant B. [email protected]:

No it is post only… I tried my luck giving it “get” as well but not
working… Also the query generates the same thing. select * from
summaries … before it, it is setting the default ferret variables.

So what is the difference between the logs between running it from the
browser and running it from the test?
When you say the search is not working in the test what do you mean?
I presume you have got some data in the test database via fixtures or
whatever so the search will find something.



Is there any problem in these defaults while searching with ferret?

{:reindex_batch_size=>1000, :registered_models=>[Summary(id: integer,
class_id: integer, class_summary: text, class_primary_field: string,
created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime)],
:via=>:class_primary_field, :boost=>5, :store=>:no, :index=>:yes,
:class_summary=>{:highlight=>:yes, :via=>:class_summary, :boost=>0,
:store=>:no, :index=>:yes, :term_vector=>:with_positions_offsets}},
:user_default_field=>nil, :enabled=>true,
:class_summary=>{:boost=>0}}, :mysql_fast_batches=>true,
:name=>:summary, :single_index=>false,
:default_field=>[:class_primary_field, :class_summary], :key=>:key,
:auto_flush=>true, :or_default=>false,

Hemant B. wrote:

Yeah Colin… You are right. there should not be any difference in
searching from browser or from test… But still the problem exists. Also
i executed rake db:test:load to take all the development data into test

2010/1/21 Hemant B. [email protected]:

Yeah Colin… You are right. there should not be any difference in
searching from browser or from test… But still the problem exists. Also
i executed rake db:test:load to take all the development data into test

I don’t think rake db:test:load loads the development data into the
test db. For testing you should either be using fixtures or another
method of loading the db with test data.

It is better to insert replies into posts rather than top posting as
then it is easier to see which question is being answered. See below

browser and running it from the test?
You have not answered the question above

When you say the search is not working in the test what do you mean?

You have not answered the question above

Ok fine. Sorry for that …

The scenario is i have some data into my fixtures and i am using rake
db:fixtures:load to load that data into development database and to load
the development database data into test i am using rake db:test:load…i
think its right… is’nt it? or should i use rake db:test:clone…

Colin L. wrote:

I don’t think rake db:test:load loads the development data into the
test db. For testing you should either be using fixtures or another
method of loading the db with test data.

It is better to insert replies into posts rather than top posting as
then it is easier to see which question is being answered. See below

browser and running it from the test?
You have not answered the question above
I do not know this. This is what i am conflicting my head upon. I am
executing the same method and passing the same paramters to method.
Checked it many times. The only thing i found is that when i search with
browser- search query which is “Summary.find_with_ferret(fuzzy_query,
{:limit => :all})” gives me the results but when i run it in a test, it
gives me nothing. That what we have to find out that why this query
return nothing.

I hope you got it right now. :slight_smile:

When you say the search is not working in the test what do you mean?

You have not answered the question above

2010/1/21 Hemant B. [email protected]:

Ok fine. Sorry for that …

The scenario is i have some data into my fixtures and i am using rake
db:fixtures:load to load that data into development database and to load
the development database data into test i am using rake db:test:load…i
think its right… is’nt it? or should i use rake db:test:clone…

I don’t know whether that is right, I have never tried it that way.
Have you looked at the test db to check that the data are there?

Usually the fixtures are loaded into the test db at test time. I
presume you have worked through the Testing guide at


browser and running it from the test?
You have not answered the question above
I do not know this. This is what i am conflicting my head upon. I am
executing the same method and passing the same paramters to method.
Checked it many times. The only thing i found is that when i search with
browser- search query which is “Summary.find_with_ferret(fuzzy_query,
{:limit => :all})” gives me the results but when i run it in a test, it
gives me nothing. That what we have to find out that why this query
return nothing.

As mentioned above I think the first thing is to confirm that the data
are in the test db ok. Are there other tests that rely on the data
that should be there. Are they passing?


2010/1/21 Hemant B. [email protected]:

Yeah that is fine. I have checked. I agree that fixtures will be loaded
at test time. Also i have read a lot of tutorials including this.

In that case I have run out of ideas, except that I don’t think you
confirmed that the development.log entry for the browser request is
the same as the test.log entry for the failing test. Post them here
if you like.


Colin L. wrote:

I don’t know whether that is right, I have never tried it that way.
Have you looked at the test db to check that the data are there?

Usually the fixtures are loaded into the test db at test time. I
presume you have worked through the Testing guide at

Yeah that is fine. I have checked. I agree that fixtures will be loaded
at test time. Also i have read a lot of tutorials including this.


browser and running it from the test?
You have not answered the question above
I do not know this. This is what i am conflicting my head upon. I am
executing the same method and passing the same paramters to method.
Checked it many times. The only thing i found is that when i search with
browser- search query which is “Summary.find_with_ferret(fuzzy_query,
{:limit => :all})” gives me the results but when i run it in a test, it
gives me nothing. That what we have to find out that why this query
return nothing.

As mentioned above I think the first thing is to confirm that the data
are in the test db ok. Are there other tests that rely on the data
that should be there. Are they passing?


Test db contains exactly the same data as of development database. I
have written many testcases and thay are passing but only this ferret
engine specific is failing. I dunt know whay that line is giving nothing
while the same line is fetching results if i do it using browser… :cry: