Comercial web application with Ruby on Rails


I have to develop a new application with Php and Mysql, before that i
saw RoR and i interested develop in it, but i wanna know if there are
any comercial web application with RoR and if i can hosted it on

thanks in advance,


Alfredo G. wrote:


I have to develop a new application with Php and Mysql, before that i
saw RoR and i interested develop in it, but i wanna know if there are
any comercial web application with RoR and if i can hosted it on

thanks in advance,


This is not the Rails mailing list, this is the Ruby mailing list.

(Yes, there are lots of commercial apps in Rails, but I don’t know what
‘bluehost’ is.)

Go to and from there you can get information and
links to the appropriate community sites that can help you out.


Alfredo G. wrote:


I have to develop a new application with Php and Mysql, before that i
saw RoR and i interested develop in it,

*developed interest :stuck_out_tongue:

but i wanna know if there are
any comercial web application with RoR

The whole 37signals business? Backpack, Basecamp, Campfire… Also
probably odles more that I can’t name on the web.

David V.

Alfredo G. wrote:

Check out, The Ruby On Rails website. It has a list
of commerical applications written in RoR
( It also has a list of web
hosting services that have RoR installed
(Peak Obsession).

If you have any other questions about Rails, there’s a Rails mailing
list, a wiki, and other community involvement. See
Ruby on Rails — A web-app framework that includes everything needed to create database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. for more info.

Good luck!

And, yes, it can be hosted on Bluehost. :slight_smile: