Hi all,
I need to model simple typed polymorphic relations:
'John' ['works_for'] 'Bill'
'John' ['speaks_for'] 'Microsoft'
'Microsoft' ['hold_shares_of'] 'Apple'
I’m having a hard time combining :
- S.T.I. : ‘people’ and ‘companies’ are different kind of
‘entities’ that can relate to other ‘entities’ - polymorphism self-ref HABTM (a person is related to another person
OR to a company) - rich HABTM : relations are typed (‘can_speak_for’,
‘works_for’, ‘works_with’, ‘knows’, …)
I have already used those techniques separatedly, but combining them is
another story!!
What I have :
STI models:
The main actors are People and Companies.
They have a lot of common data and represent a common concept: Entity
class Entity < ActiveRecord::Base
class Person < Entity
class Company < Entity
table “relations”
of_id :integer(11) = the left party: john, MSFT
of_type :string(20)
with_id :integer(11) = the right party…
with_type :string(20)
relation_type_id :integer(11) = L.U.T: “works_for”, “knows”
relationship models
class Relation < AR::B
class RelationType < AR::B
What I don’t know:
How to associate all those pieces?
(belongs_to, has_many, :as => …, :foreign_key, …)
I’m lost. Help. 911
Thanks in advance.