Combining :order and :group in find yields wrong records

I have a setup with Members, Teams and Memberships.

Teams can have_many Memberships
Teams can have_many Members through Memberships

Memberships belongs to a status

Only the latest Membership of a Member is valid.

I use this setup to keep a sort of audit log of a Member’s history so I
can see which teams he applied to, where he was kicked from and which he
joined in. The Memberships table is timestamped and most of the
distinction is done based on the created_at column.

Memberships has the following columns:
id team_id member_id membership_status_id created_at updated_at

Now I would like a list for all team with their pending memberships.
(defined by the membership_status_id)

I run this query:
Membership.find(:all, :conditions => {:membership_status_id => PENDING})

This returns a list of all Memberships that HAVE EVER BEEN PENDING. So
this also yields records that are long accepted or declined. Not really

To be more precise, I want for all members their latest membership to
match the PENDING condition.

Back to the drawing board, I designed the next query:
Membership.find(:all, :group => ‘member_id’, :order => ‘created_at

Now this actually groups correctly on the member ID and only gives me
back 1 membership for each member. But it will give me the FIRST one.
The order clause is completely ignored. How do I get the LAST one with a
group_by part? My SQL is kind of rusty in that department.

On 5 Nov 2008, at 02:37, Chris D. wrote:

I use this setup to keep a sort of audit log of a Member’s history
(defined by the membership_status_id)
To be more precise, I want for all members their latest membership to
group_by part? My SQL is kind of rusty in that department.
The order clause isn’t ignored - it’s used for sorting the final array
(or to put things another way it does not sort then group). When you
group by something, all non aggregate columns (ie things other than
things like SUM, COUNT) are indeterminate. If you are using mysql see
