Hae L. wrote:
Andreas L. wrote:
The simplest way to solve this problem in Gecode/R is probably to use
set variables:
Hi there; thanks so much! Qq (quick question): How would I modify this
so that it lists each possible combination surrounded within their own
bracket sets?
That is covered in
. There doesn’t exist a convenience method for it, so one has to
formulate the problem as a class:
require ‘rubygems’
require ‘gecoder’
class ArraySumProblem
include Gecode::Mixin
def initialize
weights = [2429.63, 497.87, 51.96, 59.43, 138.4, 66.22, 28.74,
1.75, 2075.13, 556.14, 112.56, 116.5, 84.41, 55.97, 139.07,
# Convert to integers.
weights.map!{ |x| (x*100).floor }
selected_weights_is_a set_var([], weights)
selected_weights.sum.must == 343578
branch_on selected_weights
ArraySumProblem.new.each_solution do |solution|
p solution.selected_weights.value.map{ |x| x.to_f / 100 }
[1.75, 112.56, 116.5, 138.4, 139.07, 497.87, 2429.63]
[24.46, 28.74, 51.96, 59.43, 66.22, 138.4, 139.07, 497.87, 2429.63]
If you are planning to solve several instances of the problem then you
probably want to modify the above so that the weights and target are
sent in through the constructor.