Hi everyone!
I’m doing a terminal program and need to know if you can put text color.
Hi everyone!
I’m doing a terminal program and need to know if you can put text color.
I’m doing a terminal program and need to know if you can put text color.
Google for “ruby ansi color”
Brian C. wrote in post #1014933:
I’m doing a terminal program and need to know if you can put text color.
Google for “ruby ansi color”
Thank you very much, helped me a lot
On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 7:20 AM, Ybir G. [email protected] wrote:
Hi everyone!
I’m doing a terminal program and need to know if you can put text color.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
You can, but I haven’t found any way to do it reliably across both
and Unix.
If you are in Unix, go to the terminal and run:
$ ruby -e ‘puts “\e[01mBLACK \e[32mRED \e[33mYELLOW \e[34mBLUE
\e[36mCYAN \e[37mWHITE \e[0mNONE”’
The dollar sign indicates my promt. The \e is the escape key (top left
your keyboard, ansi character 27), then a left bracket. This \e[ is
an escape sequence, and you can put codes after it that have special
meanings. 3#m means change the foreground, 4#m means change the
(ie run the same code above but change the 3s to 4s.
For more about escape sequences, check out
There are also a ton of gems that do this (you might make one yourself,
a fun short exercise, and will help you become familiar with how escape
sequences work).
+1 for ANSICON on Windows.
more infos here :
I’m doing a terminal program and need to know if you can put text color.
Google for “ruby ansi color”
Thank you very much, helped me a lot
and if you’re concerned about windows, it’s worth your while to look at
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