I just created a migration which changes my default values for string
text fields to empty string rather than nil.
I need to update all existing records where a string or text field in
table is nil. This is what I am trying but just curious if there is a
way, I don’t quite have it working and just seems like there might be a
better way:
model I am updating is TravelCard
travel_card_columns_hash = TravelCard.columns_hash
TravelCard.all.each do |travel_card|
travel_card_columns_hash.keys.each do |key|
if travel_card_columns_hash[key].type.downcase == 'string' ||
travel_card_columns_hash[key].type.downcase == ‘text’
if !eval(‘travel_card.key’)
travel_card.key = ‘’
I just created a migration which changes my default values for string
text fields to empty string rather than nil.
I need to update all existing records where a string or text field in
table is nil.
This is what I am trying but just curious if there is a
way, I don’t quite have it working and just seems like there might be a
better way:
model I am updating is TravelCard
travel_card_columns_hash = TravelCard.columns_hash
TravelCard.all.each do |travel_card|
travel_card_columns_hash.keys.each do |key|
if travel_card_columns_hash[key].type.downcase == 'string' ||
travel_card_columns_hash[key].type.downcase == ‘text’
if !eval(‘travel_card.key’)
travel_card.key = ‘’
There probably is. But I confess to not seeing any point to doing this
in the first place. What are you trying to achieve?
On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 11:29 AM, Philip H. [email protected]
But like Marnen said, I’d take a good look at why you think this change is
necessary… There are some benefits to being able to distinguish between
empty strings and null values…
Ok, actually I would like your ideas. The issue started with a problem
in a
view where I am using the field value to determine what css class I use
an element. Things were fine until I got a nil value out of the db
of course field#downcase fails if nil. So the conclusion I came to is
that I
dont want to have to add disgusting stuff to the view like:
and rather have
So that is where I realized I could either write logic in the model
work) or set a default db value which would seem less work. I am not in
with the idea of default db values, never really have been, but it
like the best place. Basically in this case nil or empty string mean the
same to me.
Is there a better option?
Thinking aloud I guess I could add a helper method to handle the value
generation… which now in retrospect does seem easier than this kind of
disgusting db migration
I just created a migration which changes my default values for string and text
fields to empty string rather than nil.
I need to update all existing records where a string or text field in this table
is nil. This is what I am trying but just curious if there is a better way, I
don’t quite have it working and just seems like there might be a better way:
Do it in the migration itself… as sql… it’s simpler, it’s self
contained, it’s right there along side the code that changes the
%w[text_field1 text_field2].each do |field|
TravelCard.update_all("#{field} = ‘’", “#{field} IS NULL”)
The only reason not to do the above is if you can’t make the change at
the same time you alter the defaults.
But like Marnen said, I’d take a good look at why you think this change
is necessary… There are some benefits to being able to distinguish
between empty strings and null values…
The only reason not to do the above is if you can’t make the change at the same
time you alter the defaults.
So that is where I realized I could either write logic in the model (more work)
or set a default db value which would seem less work. I am not in love with the
idea of default db values, never really have been, but it seemed like the best
place. Basically in this case nil or empty string mean the same to me.
Is there a better option?
Thinking aloud I guess I could add a helper method to handle the value
generation… which now in retrospect does seem easier than this kind of
disgusting db migration
On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 11:59 AM, Philip H. [email protected]
Is there a better option?
Thinking aloud I guess I could add a helper method to handle the value
generation… which now in retrospect does seem easier than this kind of
disgusting db migration