Code Review: TypeInferenceBugs

tfpt review “/shelveset:TypeInferenceBugs;REDMOND\tomat”
Comment :
Fixes bugs in type inference:

  1. By-ref generic parameter
    public void Foo(ref T x);


  1. Multiple generic parameters
    public IEnumerable Select<TSource,
    TResult>(IEnumerable source, Func<TSource, TResult> selector);

  2. Generic arrays
    public int Foo(T[] x);

  3. Type shape difference
    public static int f5(Dictionary<Dictionary<string, T>,
    Dictionary<int, T>> arg);
    C.f5( DictionaryList[str], Dictionary[int, str] )

In general type inference seems to need more test coverage - various
type shapes, arrays, ref/out with and w/o strong boxes, params array,
params dict, optional, named combinations.
I’ve added a few tests for the cases above to Ruby unit tests.
