Code Review: shrigitpull

tfpt review “/shelveset:shrigitpull;REDMOND\jdeville”
Comment :
This shelveset is an external contribution from Shri. Tests have been
modified by me.

Added support to YAML.quick_emit to be called on nested objects where
same emitter needs to be flowed through
Array.pack(“a”) was not dealing with nil input
yaml.rb should to “require stringio” like MRI does
Deleted a second copy of yaml.rb from the IronRuby.Libraries.Yaml
Added MutableString.Dump property to be able to inspect large strings
ir.exe -X:ExceptionDetail was not working in interactive mode because
ir.exe catches the exception and does not call
RubyExceptionData.SetCompiledTrace like a rescue block in Ruby code
do. Fixed this

Looks good ofcourse :slight_smile: