Code Review: rubyclrinterop01

tfpt review “/shelveset:rubyclrinterop01;REDMOND\curth”

Ruby changes:
Initial changes for improved Ruby CLR interop:
Defer creation of underlying CLR type until later to allow
extending with CLR interfaces
Prevent generic CLR interfaces from being included into modules or
Prevent CLR interfaces from being included into classes after the
underlying type has been created
Give more reasonable error message when attempting to derive from
generic CLR type
Fixed bug 21470 in Marshal.cs
Fixed misspelled member name in Microsoft.Scripting.SymbolId

Python test change:
Fixed test_peverify to work with the VS2008SP1 version of peverify.exe

DLR change:
Fixed misspelled member name in Microsoft.Scripting.SymbolId

Sorry about combining these, but the Python test and DLR change don’t
merit separate SNAP jobs


The Python change looks good to me.