tfpt review “/shelveset:Protected3;REDMOND\tomat”
Small changes in DLR.
Fixes handling of CLR protected and private methods and properties.
Enables generic methods in ClsTypeEmitter.
Removes RubyCallFlag.TryCall - it’s not used anymore.
Notes on visibility:
Ruby visibility is orthogonal to CLR visibility.
Ruby visibility is mutable (can be changed using
Kernel#public/private/protected methods), CLR visibility is not.
A CLR method group can comprise of methods of different CLR
visibility. Ruby visibility applies on the group as a whole.
Ruby-protected members can only be called from a scope whose self
immediate class is a descendant of the method owner.
CLR-protected members can only be called if the receiver is a
descendant of the method owner.
Ruby-private members can only be called with an implicit receiver
CLR-private members can only be called in PrivateBinding mode
(-X:PrivateBinding command line option), the receiver might be explicit
or implicit.
Since protected methods can only be called on a derived class instance
the specs need to be adjusted accordingly.
I’ve fixed generic_spec nad overload_spec and commented out a block in
protected_spec - all the cases there need to be changed to negative
cases (all should fail).
Removed ROWAN_BIN check in
External.LCA_RESTRICTED\Languages\IronRuby\mspec\default.mspec so that
mspec picks up IR_OPTIONS even if ROWAN_BIN is not set.