tfpt review “/shelveset:BlockDispatch7;REDMOND\tomat”
Improves dispatch to blocks.
Previously, DynamicSites were used to adapt call site’s arguments to the
signature of the target block. In block invocation no resolution needs
to be performed, which makes it different from method invocation. The
dynamic behavior is only in the arguments to parameters transformation.
In usual case it is straightforward though. Only if
splatting/unsplatting is used (and in some other special cases) there
are various checks that need to be performed to shuffle the arguments
right. Although dynamic sites could help here in some cases (by caching
by a shape of the target block signatures) the usual cases are rather
slowed down by the overhead. In an optimal case w/o any
splatting/unsplatting and without polymorphic sites kicking in at least
one comparison and 2 delegate calls needs to be done.
This change replaces dynamic site dispatch by a virtual dispatch
optimized for 0-4 parameters. Each block is associated with a block
dispatcher (a subclass of BlockDispatcher abstract class, previously
RubyBlockInfo) that corresponds to its signature. The specialized
dispatchers implement virtual Invoke methods for 0…4 and N parameters
w/ and w/o splatting. The call site uses one of those Invoke methods
(based on its arguments) and calls it. The dispatcher holds on a
delegate that points to the block method. The delegate is called by
Invoke methods with transformed arguments. In the optimal case (e.g.
1.times {|x| puts x}) the cost of block yield is a virtual method
dispatch and a delegate call. Besides no runtime-generated stubs are
needed which improves startup time. Using the dispatchers also enables
to move some previously generated code into RubyOps and therefore
decreases the amount of generated code even more.
Blocks are still IDOs to provide good interop. This change also made the
rules much simpler.
There is some work to be done to optimize some paths thru dispatchers.
Will need to run some micro-benchmarks for block dispatch to see where
we should do better.
Also, some parts of the code seem to be good candidates for source code
generation, but I haven’t opted for that for now since it was easier to
write it by hand (there are many exemptions to the “rules” of the block
dispatch, so even if the code looks like it could be generated at the
first glance the generator would actually get more complicated to handle
all such cases). I’ve let this in TODO bucket.