tfpt review “/shelveset:ar;REDMOND\sborde”
Comment :
Fixed issue with extra 0s being appended to id. This was being caused
by a bug in BigDecimal#to_i
Fixed issue in ironruby-dbi with Statement#fetch being called after
the reader was closed
Fixed issue in ironruby-dbi where multiple Statements were active for
a connection. We need to close the previous Statement first
Will follow up to get these fixes into the ironruby-dbi gem
Modified “utr -i foo” to generate tags to disable failing test in the
utr\foo_tests.rb file itself. This way, it is possible to run “utr -i
foo” in a loop and generate tags for all flaky tests (ie. tests which
fail non-deterministically)
Enabling the ActiveRecord tests in irtests (assuming they pass
consistently in the over-night run tonight on my machine)
This puts the pass rate at around 95% (116 tests disabled out of a
total of 2123 tests)