Issue #9903 has been updated by Nobuyoshi N…
Status changed from Open to Closed
% Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset r46346.
re.c: consider name encoding
- re.c (match_aref, rb_reg_regsub): consider encoding of captured
names, encoding-incompatible should not match.
[ruby-dev:48278] [Bug #9903]
Bug #9903: Regexp#[] doesn’t consider capture name encoding
- Author: Nobuyoshi N.
- Status: Closed
- Priority: Normal
- Assignee:
- Category:
- Target version:
- ruby -v: r46343
- Backport: 2.0.0: REQUIRED, 2.1: REQUIRED
key = "\xb1\xb2".force_encoding(Encoding::EUC_JP)
m = /(?<#{key}>.*)/.match("xxx")
p m[key.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::Shift_JIS)]
# => "xxx"