I have a class Point that contains an class variable
In a first web Page I want to set up this variable, hence i do
Point.color_points = “green” then i test it using puts
Point.color_points ( = green, it works,yes!)
Then i have a link_to instruction that points to another web page.
On this one (the other one), I just want to print Point.color_points,
but now its value is “”.
In a first web Page I want to set up this variable
then i test it using puts, it works,yes!
Then i have a link_to instruction that points to another web page.
but now its value is “”.
DOes anyone know why and could explain me?
Each request is isolated. At the end of the first request, all the
variables you’ve set disappear into the ether. If you want something
to persist, you need to store it - in the DB, the session, or
somewhere else.
The second request builds up new instances of all the objects - so the
class variable is back to its default value.
I have a class Point that contains an class variable
In a first web Page I want to set up this variable, hence i do
Point.color_points = “green” then i test it using puts
Point.color_points ( = green, it works,yes!)
Then i have a link_to instruction that points to another web page.
On this one (the other one), I just want to print Point.color_points,
but now its value is “”.
DOes anyone know why and could explain me?
In addition, you shouldn’t be using class variables. You can forget
they exist. You should use class instance variables instead:
class Dog @count
However, the web is a stateless world, and nothing survives between
requests. Therefore, if you want data to persist, you have have to
store it in a cookie, sessions, a file, or a db.