
I am using gem ‘ckeditor’, ‘3.5.0’, Rails 3…
It works fine in my ‘New’ and ‘Edit’ pages but not ‘Show’ page
‘New’ and ‘Edit’ pages using the following…
<%= form_for @question,
<%= f.cktext_area :correct_anno, :toolbar=>‘Full’, :width=>‘1140px’,
:height=>‘250px’ %>
and all is good.

Show action uses a virtual attribute ‘formatted_question’ which contains
a hash. Not using a form helper.
I am trying to populate the ckeditor field with the text from a field in
the hash (:correct_anno) and can’t figure out how to format it.

This is the format I need to conform to:
<%= ckeditor_textarea(“object”, “field”, :width => ‘100%’, :height =>
‘200px’) %>

Have tried several variations including:
<%= ckeditor_textarea(“Formatted_question”,
@formatted_question[:correct_anno]”, …

Not sure how to specify @formatted_question[:correct_anno] to ckeditor

Any help from a more experienced programmer would be really appreciated.