Ckeditor_rails gem issue

Using Rails 3.2 and gem ‘ckeditor_rails’, ‘~>’

Trying to set instance of ckeditor to wysiwyg if opening on a particular
page so user is able to read and click on links but not edit.

Here is my file:

CKEDITOR.editorConfig = (config) ->

config.language = "en-us"
true = 'kama'
config.toolbar_None = []

pageTitles = document.getElementsByTagName("title")
if pageName == "StudyAide | Question"
    config.toolbar = "None"
    config.uiColor = "#FFFFFF"
    config.toolbarCanCollapse = false
    config.removePlugins = 'elementspath'
    config.removePlugins = 'resize'
    config.readOnly    =    true
    config.startupMode    =    'wysiwyg'
    config.toolbar = "Full"
    config.uiColor = "#CCCCCC"

All config settings other than config.startupMode = ‘wysiwyg’ are
working. Had to add other config lines for StudyAide | Question page as
cant get it into wysiwyg mode and need to hide menu ect. This is a
partial fix only as URL links not working.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.