Circular "Selection" with Gdk::Pixbuf or similar

Hi there,

first a short explanation. I plan to use an image that shows a simple
map, i.e. a google map, or a map from a dungeon or similar. The virtual
hero group (the players) can only see a limited area, either because the
map is so large, or because it is dark inside a cave etc…

For this to simulate, I would like to select a small circle of the map.
Upon keyevents (this part is easy) the circle moves.
So far so good, but I was looking at

I am not entirely sure, is there a way to select circular areas?
copy_area for example speaks only about "Copies a rectangular area from
source pixbuf(self) to dest_pixbuf. " but I would need a circular area.

If anyone has an idea , I would be glad to hear about it!


Am Sonntag, den 03.02.2008, 14:00 +0100 schrieb Marc H.:

I am not entirely sure, is there a way to select circular areas?
copy_area for example speaks only about "Copies a rectangular area from
source pixbuf(self) to dest_pixbuf. " but I would need a circular area.

no, Gdk::Pixbuf has nothing like this. A way to go is to use
Gdk::Drawable. There you can copy a rectangulare area into a drawable,
and render this under the use of a clipmask of an Gdk::GC onto an other
drawable. The clipmask you can easily be create with
Gdk::Drawable.draw_arc. This is a quite easy and very fast way, but has
no alpha blending for the edges of the cliping area.

An other way is to use ruby cairo. Here you will find exactly what
you want.

Cheers, detlef

An other way is to use ruby cairo. Here you will find exactly what
you want.

Thanks, I think I will use ruby cairo.