This is a simple question with a long prelude.
We have a handful of N210/WBX that work great with UHD with which we
are familiar. Until last night, I had not spent more than ten minutes
with GNU Radio. This morning I installed a fresh Fedora-16 guest VM
running on VMware Workstation on a strong Win7-64b host. I used
build-gnuradio to install GNU Radio 3.6.0 . And in twenty minutes with
no issues whatsoever, Im feeding our RF signal generator into a USRP2
and making sane GUI comparisons to our spectrum analyzer. Brilliant!
[shep@fedoraVM1 ~]$ uhd_fft -a addr= -f 935M -s 2M
linux; GNU C++ version 4.6.3 20120306 (Red Hat 4.6.3-2); Boost_104700;
– Opening a USRP2/N-Series device…
– Current recv frame size: 1472 bytes
– Current send frame size: 1472 bytes
Using Volk machine: avx_64
I then experimented with the uhd_rx_nogui program and found that the
audio is discontinuous (though almost intelligible), as is shown by
the stream of audio underflow indications that feed to stdout:
[shep@fedoraVM1 ~]$ uhd_rx_nogui -a addr= -f 99.5M -m FM
linux; GNU C++ version 4.6.3 20120306 (Red Hat 4.6.3-2); Boost_104700;
– Opening a USRP2/N-Series device…
– Current recv frame size: 1472 bytes
– Current send frame size: 1472 bytes
UHD Warning:
The hardware does not support the requested RX sample rate:
Target sample rate: 0.256000 MSps
Actual sample rate: 0.255102 MSps
gr_fir_ccf: using SSE
Using gain: 19.0gr_fir_ccc: using SSE
gr_fir_fff: using SSE
aUaUaUaUaUaUaUaUaU aUaUaUaUaUOaU
Im uncertain if this is my clueless-ness of audio with the Fedora VM
under VMWare; or something more GNU Radio related. Audio seems work
fine in the VM. And GNU Radio seems to work fine (no errors, good
data) writing files with uhd_rx_cfile. Is this issue likely a VM audio
device issue? Am I off in the weeds running GNU Radio audio on a VM?
This isnt my day job; but any guidance on bisecting this issue is