hi everybody, after some time dealing with file upload finally i have my
scvript working, the problem its that seems that the files are uploaded
with 600 permissions and i need to be 644 to be accesible to everyone.
So i tried to change the permisions of the files inside the folder where
are saved the uploaded files, i have this on the index action of my
controller so at fisrt time change the permissions when needed:
Dir["/public/images/publics/*"].each {|f| FileUtils.chmod(0664, f)}
But doesnt seems to work, no error or warnings and the files remains
with the old permissions and i have to change it manually by ftp, if
someone can give me a hand with how to change permissions inside a
folder from a controller ill be very happy and your help will be very
appreciated cause i have tried a lot and i cant make it work