Chitin 1.0.3


by Ari B.

% gem install chitin # for bash

Hai everybahdy

== So what IS Chitin?

Everything you type has to be valid Ruby.

  • Chitin is a Ruby interpreter
  • Turned into a shell.

Everything you type has to be valid Ruby.

I hope you all get the joke. I made it myself. The joke and the shell.

Everything you type is Ruby – remember that. So let’s look at it in
Remember that the tab completion makes typing quotes painless. Plus you
even need closing quotes if they’re the final character in a line:

% hg.commit :m => 'fixed issues with procs in pipes…
% hg.push
pushing to https://seydar:***

remote: bb/acl: seydar is allowed. accepted payload.
% cat(“ANNOUNCEMENT”) | pbcopy
% ll
total 136
-rw-r–r-- 1 ari staff 1.7K Nov 25 14:43 ANNOUNCEMENT

-rw-r–r-- 1 ari staff 7.7K Nov 24 20:44 sample.txt
% rm “chitin-1.0.1.gem”
% “chitin.gemspec”
Successfully built RubyGem
Name: chitin
Version: 1.0.1
File: chitin-1.0.1.gem
% ll | grep(‘gem’)
-rw-r–r-- 1 ari staff 24K Nov 25 14:49 chitin-1.0.1.gem
-rw-r–r-- 1 ari staff 883B Nov 21 14:43 chitin.gemspec
% ll | split(“\n”).map {|l| l.size }
=> [9, 57, 51, 49, 48, 61, 59, 53, 48, 55]

Everything you type has to be valid Ruby. I am repeating this because in
test cases, this is the one thing that everybody forgot. You can use the
text preprocessor to change this, of course, but it’s up to you.

== Why use it?

Because it’s written in Ruby and supadupes easy to modify. Also:

  • The power of Ruby in a shell
  • The command utility of a shell in Ruby
  • Text processing is SO. MUCH. EASIER.
  • A much more programmatic shell
  • Prevents against accidental rm -rf /usr /local/bin like that one
    we all saw on Reddit.
  • Syntax highlighting while you type (thanks to Coolline!)
  • You can do simple arithmetic on the command line without having to
    interfaces (this was the original itch I had to scratch).
  • No underlying shell usage
  • Sweet tab completion
  • No need to use closing quotes. If you need a final quote in a line,
    sweat it. Chitin will take care of that.
  • You can set key bindings to arbitrary keys
  • Makes for a great Christmas present
  • Great library for calling executable files from your own program
    shelling your soul or shelling out.

Anyways, I really like it and find it useful. I much prefer it over
Bash. I
encourage you all to take a quick look at the README and maybe try it

Hate mail welcome.

How did you go about it exactly? How does this differ from say, running
pry and include FileUtils at toplevel?

  • Syntax highlighting while you type (thanks to Coolline!)

Hmm. How do I get the cooline part to work?

I dont seem to get any colours?

Oh nevermind, just tested

class Foo

that works with colours.

VERY interesting feature. :slight_smile: