I am trying to implement paypal express checkout using rails. I have
at lot of places that if one wants to do the checkout without paypal
account by credit or debit card one can simply useSOLUTIONTYPE=Sole. It
does not seem to work though and asks for login when I try to checkout.
Please find the attached screenshot which shows this problem.
def pay
topup = Topup.find(params[:id])
response = EXPRESS_GATEWAY.setup_purchase(topup.price_in_cents,{
:ip => request.remote_ip,
:currency_code => 'GBP',
:return_url => topups_success_url,
:cancel_return_url => topups_cancel_url,
:items => [{:name => "Topup", :quantity => 1,:description =>
“Top up my account”, :amount => topup.price_in_cents}]
redirect_to EXPRESS_GATEWAY.redirect_url_for(response.token)