Checking if machine is 64-bit


I am checking if the machine is 64-bit by doing this:

require ‘rbconfig’
is_machine_64_bit = ( Config::CONFIG[“arch”] =~ /64/ )

Is there a better way?


On 7/29/07, Suraj K. [email protected] wrote:


I am checking if the machine is 64-bit by doing this:

require ‘rbconfig’
is_machine_64_bit = ( Config::CONFIG[“arch”] =~ /64/ )



Is there a better way?

Not that i know of.

^ manveru

On Jul 28, 11:42 am, Suraj K. [email protected] wrote:


I am checking if the machine is 64-bit by doing this:

require ‘rbconfig’
is_machine_64_bit = ( Config::CONFIG[“arch”] =~ /64/ )

Is there a better way?

if (2**33).kind_of?(Bignum)

32 bit


64 bit


Might need some tweaking once the 128 bit operating systems show up…



Daniel B. wrote:

if (2**33).kind_of?(Bignum)

32 bit


64 bit


Excellent idea. However, note that it takes 34 bits to represent 233,
and 33 bits to represent 2
32. Thus, we can get away with only checking
whether 2**32 is a Fixnum:

is_machine_64_bit = (2 ** 32).is_a? Fixnum

Suraj K. wrote:

Suraj K. wrote:

is_machine_64_bit = (2 ** 32).is_a? Fixnum

Hmm, after reading the ri manpage for Fixnum, I found a better way:

(-1.size) is 4 on a 32-bit machine and 8 on a 64-bit machine.
Aren’t you gonna get Kernel information for 32 bit if it’s a 32 bit
Kernel on a 64 bit machine?

Suraj K. wrote:

is_machine_64_bit = (2 ** 32).is_a? Fixnum

Hmm, after reading the ri manpage for Fixnum, I found a better way:

(-1.size) is 4 on a 32-bit machine and 8 on a 64-bit machine.

On 7/28/07, Lionel B. [email protected] wrote:

I don’t know if it matters to you, but IIRC there are architectures with
different sizes for integers and memory addresses (64 bit integers with
32 bit addresses if memory serves).

MRI needs sizeof(long) == sizeof(void *) (or it won’t compile). MRI
are longs.


Suraj K. wrote:

Suraj K. wrote:

is_machine_64_bit = (2 ** 32).is_a? Fixnum

Hmm, after reading the ri manpage for Fixnum, I found a better way:

(-1.size) is 4 on a 32-bit machine and 8 on a 64-bit machine.

I don’t know if it matters to you, but IIRC there are architectures with
different sizes for integers and memory addresses (64 bit integers with
32 bit addresses if memory serves).


Suraj K. wrote:

(-1.size) is 4 on a 32-bit machine and 8 on a 64-bit machine.

Very slick! Nice find!

Lloyd L. wrote:

Suraj K. wrote:

(-1.size) is 4 on a 32-bit machine and 8 on a 64-bit machine.

Very slick! Nice find!

Is that portable to jRuby??


At Sun, 29 Jul 2007 02:42:46 +0900,
Suraj K. wrote in [ruby-talk:262297]:

I am checking if the machine is 64-bit by doing this:

require ‘rbconfig’
is_machine_64_bit = ( Config::CONFIG[“arch”] =~ /64/ )

Is there a better way?

Depends on the purpose.

If you are trying to compile an extension library:

is_machine_64_bit = check_sizeof(“int”) == 64

is_machine_64_bit = try_static_assert(“sizeof int == 64”)

or, better in C source(s):


Otherwise, if you want to know the current running platform is

is_machine_64_bit = [0].pack(“i!”).size == 8

Note that all of the above check for the size of int.