Checkboxes, Rails, and Javascript

Hi there,

I’m trying to create a check all / uncheck all function for a series of
check boxes. Seems easy, but for some reason the brackets used in the
check_box_tag don’t play well with javascript functions

Here’s a real basic example of what I’m trying to do:


<%= form_tag({:action => “delete_contact_add_campaign”}, {:method =>
:name => “contact_list”}) %>
<% for contact in @contacts %>
<%= check_box_tag(‘delete_contact[]’, -%>
<%= check_box_tag(‘add_to_group[]’, -%>
<% end %>
<%= submit_tag ‘Add to Group’, :name => ‘add_to_group’ %>
<%= submit_tag ‘Delete from list’, :name =>
‘delete_selected_contacts’ %>
<%= end_form_tag %>

I’ve tried javascript syntax like:
Check All

Uncheck All

…but that won’t check any of the boxes. If I remove the brackets from
check_box_tag for delete_contact and add_to_group all the check boxes
checked, but then I don’t get the array of ids in
or params[‘add_to_group’]

Does anyone have any ideas on how to solve this?

Thank you,
Dave H.

I admit I didn’t take the time to fully analyze your problem just
one thing, you’re not closing the function brackets. Should be:

Again…no deep analysis so this may not be the only problem, but it is

good luck,

Andrew S.

Thanks Andy. Unfortunately that didn’t do it. :frowning:

Here’s the exact javascript error if it may help.

Error: syntax error
Source File: http://localhost:3000/contacts/list
Line: 1, Column: 46
Source Code: checkAll(document.contact_list.delete_contact[]);return

When I remove the brackets the check boxes get checked but I lose the
of ids.
<%= check_box_tag(‘delete_contact’, -%>
Check All


Hi Kevin,

Forgive me for the javascript noob question. Your toggleAll(name)
is probably what I should be using. I tried using it and I still get a
syntax error:

Error: syntax error
Source File: http://localhost:3000/contacts/list
Line: 1, Column: 47
Source Code: toggleAll(document.contact_list.delete_contact[])

Maybe I’m not calling the function correctly.


Dave H. wrote:


good luck,

Andrew S.

I use these functions…

function toggleAll(name)
boxes = document.getElementsByClassName(name);
for (i = 0; i < boxes.length; i++)
if (!boxes[i].disabled)
{ boxes[i].checked = !boxes[i].checked ; }

function setAll(name,state)
boxes = document.getElementsByClassName(name);
for (i = 0; i < boxes.length; i++)
if (!boxes[i].disabled)
{ boxes[i].checked = state ; }

Pretty sure these will work with controls that have ‘[]’ in their


Dave H. wrote:

} >
            {       boxes[i].checked = !boxes[i].checked ; }

Pretty sure these will work with controls that have ‘[]’ in their


This goes in the header for the collection…

<%= check_box_tag ‘toggle’ , ‘toggle’, false, :onclick =>
“toggleAll(‘select’);return false;”%>

In my partials, I include this…

<%= check_box_tag(“sample[]”,, false, :class=>‘select’) %>

Note the name of the checkbox is irrelevant. It finds all the
checkboxes with the ‘select’ class applied.

This is particularly handy if you have a grid of check boxes and you
want to have a checkbox toggle all of one row or column.


Dave H. wrote:

Source Code: checkAll(document.contact_list.delete_contact[]);return false;

JavaScript syntax says that you’re trying to treat delete_contact as an
object and look up the property with the name …oops, you didn’t
supply a name. Hence the error.

In JavaScript, as in Lua, you can reference any property of any object
in two ways:

  1. Using standard ‘dot’ notation, as you have above:
    alert( );

  2. Using bracket notation (as the system thought you were trying to
    alert( foo[ “bar” ] );

This latter method is useful when you have the name of the property you
want stored in another variable:
var prop = “bar”;
alert( foo[ prop ] );
or (as in your case) when the name of the property is not a valid
JavaScript identifier:
checkAll( document.contact_list[ “delete_contact[]” ] );

Thank you Kevin! That works perfect!


Phrogz wrote:

Don’t (ab)use HTML anchors to invoke JavaScript functions. Use buttons,
or style text yourself. Anchors are for hyperlinks.

A bit more information:

Dave H. wrote:

Check All

Uncheck All

Don’t (ab)use HTML anchors to invoke JavaScript functions. Use buttons,
or style text yourself. Anchors are for hyperlinks.

This is somewhat off topic for the rails list, so for more discussion
on this topic, feel free to email me directly.