Check whether link present or not using cucumber

I am using cucumber with webrat for testing my application.
I have admin role in my application.
When admin logs into the system he able to see the “Users” link which
gives an interface to manage users for admin. I have written the feature
like as follows:-

Feature: List All Users
So that Admin can manage users
Scenario: Login as Admin
When I login with user “username” with password “123456”
Then “Users” link should be shown

My Step definition code is like as follows:-

When /^I login with user “([^”])" with password “([^”])"$/ do |login,
visit “/”
fill_in “login”, :with=>login
fill_in “password”, :with=>password
click_button “Log in”“response.html”, ‘w’) {|f| f.write( response.body) }

response.should contain(“Logged in successfully”)

Then /^"([^"]*)" link should be shown$/ do |arg1|
clicks_link user_list_path
#pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had

My problem is 2nd step:-
Could not find link with text or title or id “/user-list”
features/admin.feature:5:in `Then “Users” link should be shown’

Failing Scenarios:
cucumber features/admin.feature:3 # Scenario: Login as Admin

Is there anything wrong with my code?

How can I check whether the link is present or not?
Also, My login is successful as admin but when I print response I get
the home page structure and not the app home page.
Can anyone help me out?


Ahmy Y.

On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 1:20 PM, Mike D. [email protected]

When I login with user “username” with password “123456”
click_button “Log in”
Could not find link with text or title or id “/user-list”
features/admin.feature:5:in `Then “Users” link should be shown’

If im not mistaken, the clicks_link accept the “link text” rather then the

if you have User List"
the step should be clicks_link “User List”

also you might want to see the features/step_definition/web_step.rb
you could use the predefined helper “follow”
so in the description you could use

And I follow “User List”

Failing Scenarios:
cucumber features/admin.feature:3 # Scenario: Login as Admin

I don’t really know about this, but there is also predefined step that
help you look at what webrat “see” the step is


when it’s called, it save current response html to /tmp

Is there anything wrong with my code?