Check the performance of helpers

how to check the performance of helpers.

For ex if am using content_tag for creating li instead of writing

  • directly.I want to check how much time content_tag will take time to excute as
  • You could probably set up a benchmark, but the more important question
    is: WHY?
    Worrying about something that probably takes a couple extra
    microseconds isn’t
    likely to yield any benefit, unless you’re rendering thousands of

    …and if you’re doing that, you probably need to look into some
    pagination, not the
    performance implications of content_tag.

    –Matt J.

    On Feb 19, 5:46 am, Nike M. [email protected]

    Matt J. wrote:

    You could probably set up a benchmark, but the more important question
    is: WHY?
    Worrying about something that probably takes a couple extra
    microseconds isn’t
    likely to yield any benefit, unless you’re rendering thousands of

    …and if you’re doing that, you probably need to look into some
    pagination, not the
    performance implications of content_tag.

    –Matt J.

    On Feb 19, 5:46�am, Nike M. [email protected]
