Check out - - an RoR Gift Exchange Social

I’ve just put my project into production at

"GiftTRAP Live is the first site to rate how well you know each
friend! Who knows you best? Who do you know best?

It’s a social collaborative game based on exchanging gifts, but it’s
also competitive! You rank by knowing your friends best and by them
knowing you!

We’ve taken GiftTRAP, the award winning board game & merged in
elements from eCards, Wish-lists and Social Gaming, all in a Web 2.0
style. It’s all about fun & learning what makes you & your friends

It’s my first RoR project. Actually my 1st website. All I knew was
prior to begining was a lot of SQL and some VB.

RoR is awesome. We make extensive use of email integration, a little
bit of Ajax, we’ve minimised workflows to enable users to use the
system without actually registering

Come check it out and blog about it it peaks your interest.

We’ve use the FasterCSV and the Contacts gem to allow to upload your
friends emails directly from a file or from Gmail/Hotmail/Yahoo.

We also make use of Globalize (but we haven’t localized everything

