Hi everyone,
I created a function pointer that points
to a method.
m.fptr = m.method( :sigm )
However… later on I need to do an operation depending on the symbol it
is pointing at:
if m.fptr == :gam
elsif m.fptr == :lin
How do I obtain this symbol value from m.fptr?
On 10-10-15 09:34 PM, John S. wrote:
if m.fptr == :gam
elsif m.fptr == :lin
How do I obtain this symbol value from m.fptr?
try m.fptr.name
no such method :\
Rajinder Y. wrote in post #954718:
On 10-10-15 09:34 PM, John S. wrote:
if m.fptr == :gam
elsif m.fptr == :lin
How do I obtain this symbol value from m.fptr?
try m.fptr.name
On 16.10.2010 13:58, John S. wrote:
no such method :\
What version of Ruby are you using?
irb(main):001:0> RUBY_VERSION
=> “1.8.7”
irb(main):002:0> “”.method(:length).name
=> “length”
irb(main):001:0> RUBY_VERSION
=> “1.9.1”
irb(main):002:0> “”.method(:length).name
=> :length
On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 1:10 PM, John S. [email protected] wrote:
In all honesty, use rvm (http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/).
It takes a little getting used to if you aren’t that familiar with Unix,
after you figure out how it works, it is really nice. You can install
the rubies (how I got jruby, macruby, rubinius, MRI 1.8.6, 1.8.7, 1.9.1,
1.9.2) Then it is just “$ rvm use 1.9.1” to switch to that one. Drop
that in
your ~/.profile (or ~/.bash_profile if you’re on Leopard) and it will
use that version. Takes a little more work to set it up with your
but not too bad for TextMate (just set an environment variable in TM,
add 1 line to your profile)
Also lets you set up specific versions for specific projects, and even
specific sets of gems for that project, so its gems are segregated from
rest of the system. Manages switching rubies and gems for you when you
into and out of these project directories.
How should I get 1.9.1,
I’m using MacOS… and tried to find
a more recent version through fink, but
I find none.
I don’t understand what you mean by “setting an environment variable in
TextMate” could you explain how you do this… I also happen to use
Textmate for ruby.
Josh C. wrote in post #954841:
On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 1:10 PM, John S. [email protected] wrote:
In all honesty, use rvm (http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/).
It takes a little getting used to if you aren’t that familiar with Unix,
after you figure out how it works, it is really nice. You can install
the rubies (how I got jruby, macruby, rubinius, MRI 1.8.6, 1.8.7, 1.9.1,
1.9.2) Then it is just “$ rvm use 1.9.1” to switch to that one. Drop
that in
your ~/.profile (or ~/.bash_profile if you’re on Leopard) and it will
use that version. Takes a little more work to set it up with your
but not too bad for TextMate (just set an environment variable in TM,
add 1 line to your profile)
Also lets you set up specific versions for specific projects, and even
specific sets of gems for that project, so its gems are segregated from
rest of the system. Manages switching rubies and gems for you when you
into and out of these project directories.
On Oct 16, 12:29pm, John S. [email protected] wrote:
=> “1.8.6”
Then this will work:
ruby-1.8.6-p399 > “”.method(:length).inspect.match(/#([^#]*)>/)[1]
=> “length”
class Method
def name
ruby-1.8.6-p399 > “”.method(:length).name
=> “length”
Thank you for your help
Yet one… nasty side-effect … it seems at least… is that my
auto-completion in textmate is gone :
I find it so useful… and that is really why TM is my editor for Ruby.
On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 9:21 PM, John S. [email protected] wrote:
I don’t understand what you mean by “setting an environment variable in
TextMate” could you explain how you do this… I also happen to use
Textmate for ruby.
They explain how to do it in the walkthrough
Starting where it says “Following that, in Textmate open up the Shell
Variables editor” with this being your goal rvm_textmate