Check_box problem

I have used check_box_tag method to store the select value in the
string data type attribute in database with multiple selection
seperated by comma. My problem is that when I need to edit that
object(row) how can I make the check_box checked for the value in that
string data type attribute of my database.

Mr. Bless wrote:

I have used check_box_tag method to store the select value in the
string data type attribute in database with multiple selection
seperated by comma. My problem is that when I need to edit that
object(row) how can I make the check_box checked for the value in that
string data type attribute of my database.

maybe pass it :selected => true ?

The third argument that you pass to check_box_tag is either true or
false, and if it’s true, the box is checked. I’m using it like this:

<%= check_box_tag, ‘1’, (params[:selected_services] &&
params[:selected_services].include?( %>

The third argument looks to see if there’s a
params[:selected_services] value and then checks to see whether or not
the current value is included in the params (which is ugly, but it
works so far). You might be able to modify my example and generate an
array from your database values (object.atr.split(‘,’) or something),
passing it to include.

…or something like that.

On Mar 25, 1:35 am, Roger P. [email protected]

You can always work on efficiency later… :slight_smile: Honestly, I’m not good
at writing efficient code yet, so I tend to find something that works
first and then worry about efficiency. If you’re not dealing with
immense amounts of data, then a few thousandths of a second here and
there usually aren’t worth fretting over until you’ve covered other
more important aspects of your app.

It doesn’t seem like storing a CSV in a database is terribly efficient
to begin with - it almost makes you iterate over the field to get the
values. Perhaps using a separate table and an AR association would
work better, but I’m not sure what you’re working with.


Thanks a lot. But I still got one more question. Since I have stored
the data in comma separated values in database field. Now while
editing I have to show the checked only for those items that were
saved in the database. Writing each and every condition using if else
is not what I am looking for. I want something that is efficient and
less code. Plz… Help