any pointers / suggestions re cheapest Rails hosting where they give
you full access to Apache (to load modules etc)??? Can be a shared
platform, however not sure if there is a shared platform type hosting
service where they do give you such access?
On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 4:43 PM, Greg H.
[email protected] wrote:
any pointers / suggestions re cheapest Rails hosting where they give
you full access to Apache (to load modules etc)??? Can be a shared
platform, however not sure if there is a shared platform type hosting
service where they do give you such access?
Cloud hosting is probably the cheapest you’ll find where you have root
access. I’m using Rackspace Cloud.
Greg D.
Agreed. Rackspace is great. Especially when you’re 1st building your
application. I had apache/passenger and mysql running just fine on a
256MB instance. cost? about $11/month.
There is EC2 on Rails but AWS starts at about $90/month. I’m really
happy with rackspace. is cheap, but does not allow any httpd changes, but you
can do
.htaccess files.But is by far the best I have seen.
You just get a linux box, and you can then setup the server as you see
want to use mongrel, use mongrel, want ngnx or lighttpd instead of
Works just as good.
You are root, and you decide.
On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 12:46 AM, Tony P.
Greg H. wrote:
any pointers / suggestions re cheapest Rails hosting where they give
you full access to Apache (to load modules etc)??? Can be a shared
platform, however not sure if there is a shared platform type hosting
service where they do give you such access?
Having tried a lot of Rails hosts I kinda stumbled over
The proce was cheap enough ($5) to be worth trying it out.
6 months later I now have a VPS and am considering a dedicated server.
These guys are truly amazing and leave the offerings from dreamhost and
all floundering in their wake.
There technical support is truly amazing via tickets and online 24/7
live chat.
They focus on Rails only and do not oversell their resources unlike some
hosts that have been mentioned in this thread.
I can not recommend Railsplayground strongly enough.
My m1.small instance on AWS costs me $75-$80/month. Rackspace does
smaller configurations than AWS. When you compare similar
e.g., 1.5GB - 2.0GB memory, costs are similar.
When I was comparing the two, Rackspace was having a lot of downtime,
and Amazon wasn’t, 3-7/week. I am seeing connectivity problems with my
on AWS that don’t show in the Amazon status blogs. Not sure whether
that is
my bug or theirs.
Just my $0.02USD,
Quoting Tony P. [email protected]:
thanks - does Rackspacecloud have Ruby on Rails support (well like
Dreamhost?), or it a get your own server & do it yourself?
2009/9/26 Tony P. [email protected]:
On Sep 25, 6:18 pm, Greg D. [email protected] wrote:
access. I’m using Rackspace Cloud.
Greg D.
You get your own server and set it up yourself. Some sysadmin skill
are required but they have some good server setup articles.
On Sep 27, 2:45 am, Greg H. [email protected]
But you’d still have to find a hosting provider that could handle the
hardware for you, power, Internet feeds etc no?
On Tuesday, September 29, 2009, Tony P.
[email protected] wrote:
There is EC2 on Rails but AWS starts at about $90/month. I’m really
service where they do give you such access?