is it possible in easy way to do chat in RoR.
i mean something similar to http://www.lingr.com/
Maybe there is some plugin or library, which can do the chat in easy
if not, how to do it directly in the RoR?
May be just use http://www.lingr.com/developers
On 4/18/07, Ivan S. [email protected] wrote:
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
rm -rf / 2>/dev/null - http://null.in
Dont judge those who try and fail, judge those who fail to try…
May be just use http://www.lingr.com/developers
It is an option, but lingr can be used only like a service, there is no
lingr code to download.
I’m rather looking for something which can be included directly to
Well, you can always use some easy to use comet solution like
http://juggernaut.rubyforge.org/ and write your own code.
On 4/18/07, Ivan S. [email protected] wrote:
rm -rf / 2>/dev/null - http://null.in
Dont judge those who try and fail, judge those who fail to try…
So you are stuck with Ajax polling.
This is what campfire does. It’s nice when my wireless connection
flakes out and returns. Campfire doesn’t miss a beat. IRC and Adium
both drop and reconnect.
Also, yes Rails is not threadsafe and may not be a good candidate for
frequent polling or javascript. But you can easily write a custom
mongrel handler to do that stuff.
Rick O.
On 4/18/07, Pratik [email protected] wrote:
Well, you can always use some easy to use comet solution like
http://juggernaut.rubyforge.org/ and write your own code.
But be warned that, this juggernaut thing, won’t work from machines
behind firewall and NAT.
The reason is, Juggernaut uses XMLSocket from flash, which talks to
the push server through a separate port. Now flash imposes lots of
security restrictions on programs opening sockets.
Couple of Juggernaut folks suggest, run this push server on port 443,
which is very strange solution in my opinion, because normally you
would like to bind your web server on that, if your application wants
to use https.
Until, they come with a better solution , Juggernaut can’t be used in
anything serious. Traditional comet, through Javascript has been tried
before by folks, but rails not being thread safe, it is hard to
process one controller asynchronously on a mount point(which would be
URL of your chat app.)
So you are stuck with Ajax polling.
On 4/18/07, hemant [email protected] wrote:
mongrel handler to do that stuff.
Thats correct, I saw mongrel handler code, posted on mongrel mailing
list, long back. But apparently the idea didn’t pan out. May be its
time, I should take it for a ride.
Can’t help feeling a bit impressed with this:
May be just use http://www.lingr.com/developers
It is an option, but lingr can be used only like a service, there is no
lingr code to download.
Well. We don’t offer up the code of the app, but we do provide a Ruby
library for the API. Which allows your app to use our servers etc. to
power your chat, on your site.
Still might not be what you’re looking for, but it might save you a lot
of time and work.
More info on our wiki:
Chris B.
Design Director, Lingr
thanks for all comments.
i want to use the chat via standard http port, so from the previous
comments the best option for me, looks to code it with ajax polling.
On 4/18/07, Rick O. [email protected] wrote:
Thats correct, I saw mongrel handler code, posted on mongrel mailing
list, long back. But apparently the idea didn’t pan out. May be its
time, I should take it for a ride.
This might be worth a try.
On 4/19/07, Ivan S. [email protected] wrote:
rm -rf / 2>/dev/null - http://null.in
Dont judge those who try and fail, judge those who fail to try…