Charts in Rails 4 application

Somebody advice me to find a better solution to implement charts in my
Rails application.
Which one is better

  1. High charts
  2. Fusion Charts
  3. Open flash Charts
    i want to know whether these are free charts or
    paid service ?
    also pls let me know whether Open flash Charts can be used in Rails 4
    application. (compatible)


Also consider D3? It’s an open source html5-based
javascript visualisation library.

There’s a gem here: GitHub - logicalhan/d3_rails: Ruby on Rails integration for the Javascript Data Visualization Framework, D3.

Either use D3
GitHub - logicalhan/d3_rails: Ruby on Rails integration for the Javascript Data Visualization Framework, D3.
GitHub - winston/google_visualr: A Ruby Gem for the Google Visualization API. Write Ruby code. Generate Javascript. Display a Google Chart.

for Open source.

Both are paid

  1. High charts
  2. Fusion Charts