Character encode

Good evening guys,
I’m using now with 3 rails web app themes rails to generate the layouts,
almosteverything working ok, only the names I write code in such a ride
I put atable in the header with character “” character shows the
but data thatcomes from the database shows normal, which can be and how
I fix? Thank you all …

Alcelyo R Mariz
Bacharel em Sistemas de Informao

Alcelyo R. <alcelyo@…> writes:

Good eveningguys,I’m usingnow with3railswebappthemesrailsto
generate thelayouts,almosteverything workingok,only the namesI
writecodeinsucharidewhenI putatablein the
headerwithcharacter""charactershows thestrangebutdata thatcomes from
thedatabase showsnormal, whichcan be and howcan I fix?Thank you all…–
Alcelyo R MarizBacharel em Sistemas de Informao

It is probably being escaped for browser safety. If you can trust the
try using “raw”:

<= raw @variable.stuff >