Changes method: displayed nil to blank change


Here I am trying to get the details of changed fields in update method

I got those fields by changes method. #obj.changes

But problem is that I got changes in following ways even when I am not
updating anything.

{“address”=>[nil, “”]}

This is what I don’t want. I want only those changes which are text to
blank or blank to text or text to text…

Can anybody help me ?

Brijesh S.

On 3 January 2011 10:12, Brijesh S. [email protected] wrote:

{“address”=>[nil, “”]}

This is what I don’t want. I want only those changes which are text to
blank or blank to text or text to text…

Just filter out the ones where the two array entries are nil and “”.
Note that blank? will probably be useful here.


Colin L. wrote in post #971987:

Just filter out the ones where the two array entries are nil and “”.
Note that blank? will probably be useful here.


Thanks for reply. But how can I filter this one?
Currently I am checking the field change and avoid nil to blank changes.

like if !obj.changes[“address] != [nil,”"]
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Note: There are multiple fields to check.

Brijesh S.


Thanks Colin. This should works fine…

Brijesh S.

On 3 January 2011 12:47, Brijesh S. [email protected] wrote:

like if !obj.changes[“address] != [nil,”"]
—More ----

Note: There are multiple fields to check.

Run through the hash first removing items for which both elements of
its array respond true to .blank? Have a look at Hash.delete_if for
