Changed session store from ActiveRecord, deleted sessions table and now

Is there any chance that changing the session store from ActiveRecord
to cookies, and deleting the sessions table could cause performance
problems with my app? Everything was running fine until I made that
change (and added indexing to all my tables). Now the app jumps right
into the swap and chows up all the memory rendering the server useless
in a matter of hours.

I went through all my recent commits to see what the possible culprits
might be and this was the only thing that raised a question. Thoughts?

On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 7:49 PM, ressister [email protected] wrote:

Everything was running fine until I made that change


(and added indexing to all my tables).

ruh-roh :slight_smile:

Now the app jumps right into the swap and chows up all the memory


Sure, make one major change at a time. :slight_smile:

Failing that – did you have any kind of performance analysis going
on before? NewRelic, etc.? Why did you “add indexing”? What are
you doing now to determine where the bottleneck is?

Hassan S. ------------------------ [email protected]
twitter: @hassan