Hi, I know there’s a way to do this but can’t find it.
IT wants the log directory changed from its default of “log/” to “/var/
log/rails”. Where can I do this?
Hi, I know there’s a way to do this but can’t find it.
IT wants the log directory changed from its default of “log/” to “/var/
log/rails”. Where can I do this?
I think that you can change this in your environment files, e.g.,
config/environments/production.rb, using config.log_path. See the
#initialize_logger method in initialize.rb.
But, I wonder whether this is a good idea if you run multiple rails apps
that machine. If you point more than one of them at /var/log/rails for
logging, all of their logs will run together. Maybe you intend to make
app-specific dirs under /var/log/rails?
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