Change Gempath at Runtime


I have a problem with my host. I have several gems installed through
cPanel and even directly using the ‘gem’ command, but my Ruby scripts
can not locate them because apparently the Gem path is not correctly
set. Is there any way to tell Ruby where to look for gems during

I tried to unpack each gem and require it separately, but the gems are
not built for this, since it throw a file not found error if a gem, say
Nokogiri, tries to do “require ‘nokogiri/xml’”.

Any other possible solutions would be greatly appreciated.

Michael B.

On Jan 28, 2009, at 17:33 PM, Michael B. wrote:

Any other possible solutions would be greatly appreciated.

This information can be found in gem help environment:


It looks like the gems are being looked for in the right place, but are
not being found. Output posted to 54320’s gists · GitHub for the
sake of readability.