Change error page by file type?


If someone makes a request for a .js file from our server and no such
file exists, I would like to return a different error page (actually an
error.js page) in response. Yet if they request a .htm page I want to
use a different error page (notfound.htm). Is this possible? If so can
you please show an example configuration file snippet to do this? Thank

On Thursday 15 May 2008, Rt Ibmer wrote:

If someone makes a request for a .js file from our server and no such file
exists, I would like to return a different error page (actually an error.js
page) in response. Yet if they request a .htm page I want to use a
different error page (notfound.htm). Is this possible? If so can you
please show an example configuration file snippet to do this? Thank you!

location ~ .js$ {
error_page 404 /errors/error.js;

location ~ .htm$ {
error_page 404 /errors/notfound.htm;

location /errors/ {
#nothing here