CGI: triggering a file download & having a page appear


I’m fairly new to fast-cgi/CGI programming and I have a particular

When people click on a download link, I want the download to start (zip
file) AND an installation page to appear that explains how to use the
downloaded file.

This is easily done in JavaScript: show the installation page and
trigger the download via the Body.onLoad handler, but it would be nicer
to do it all on the server side…

Is there any way of triggering two HTTP responses for one request?

Thanks for your time.

Best regards,


2007/7/31, Frank R. [email protected]:

trigger the download via the Body.onLoad handler, but it would be nicer
to do it all on the server side…

Is there any way of triggering two HTTP responses for one request?

No. One request, one response. Maybe you can do a multipart response
but I have no experience with that myself.

Kind regards
