CGI::Session not sending cookie

I’m using mod_ruby, eruby and CGI::Session in an application. It seems
that the cookie is never being sent, and I have no idea why. Here’s a
simple rhtml file illustrating the problem:

% require ‘cgi’
% require ‘cgi/session’
% require ‘cgi/session/pstore’
%, ‘database_manager’ =>
CGI::Session::PStore, ‘session_key’ => ‘hello_session’)
<% sess[‘visits’] ||= 0 %>
<%= sess.session_id %>
<%= sess[‘visits’] %> visits
<% sess[‘visits’] += 1

Each time this is loaded, no cookie is set, so no session ID is sent
back to the page on reload and a new session is started each time.
This behavior does not match any of the documentation I’ve been able
to find, but it does match what’s described in

The above poster solved his problem by passing around the session ID
as a query parameter, but that seems to miss the point of using
CGI::Session. Am I missing something obvious here?