CellRenderCombo in TreeView user interface issues

I’m working on a database editor, and the CellRenderCombo
will work well for selecting one of many choices.

    Thank you for developing and documenting this, Masao M..

(Joe Van D. - 11-14-2005)

I’m not a big fan of how the combo select (or option menu, not sure of
the correct name) widget works in Gtk treeviews. I have to click four
times in order to choose a new computer.

And it’s not even obvious that the column contains combo select widgets.

    Yes, I have the same usability concerns.
    Setting has_entry to false will lower the number of clicks
    to three.

    Possible fixes :

    1. Implement CellRenderComboBox
            This would have the "V" always displayed, to let
            the user know the column supports selection.
            Clicking on the "V" would bring up the select list,
            so only two clicks would be needed to make

            Also, the "V" could support a tree navigation of 

rather than a long list.

            If CellRenderComboBox is already done please let me 


    2. Add my own "V" to the right of the CellRenderCombo

            Any idea how hard this is ?

    3. Use a special font or color.

            I could easily do this to let user know the
            column contains combo select widgets.

    4. Other ideas ??

    The code below illustrates these issues:

            A. CellRenderCombo performs well with a big table
               with many choices per entry.
            B. Difference between Editable Combo and non-editable
               is shown.
            C. Problem selecting off a list with 1000 choices
               is shown.

                    Appreciate your help - Andy

#! /usr/bin/env ruby

A demo of the CellRendererCombo in a TreeView

A table of 1000 rows and 9 columns is displayed.

Each column supports 1000 choices.

All values are displayed as strings to test performance.

The first column is editable, the remaining ones are not.

The code should not be used as an example of how to properly

build CellRendererCombo boxes - it simply illustrates the GUI.

require ‘gtk2’
module ComboDemo
class ListStore < Gtk::Window

def initialize
  super('CellRenderCombo in TreeView demo')

  sw = Gtk::ScrolledWindow.new(nil, nil)
  sw.shadow_type = Gtk::SHADOW_ETCHED_IN
  sw.set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
  add sw

  ar1 = []
  (9999001..9999999).each{ |i|
    ar2 = []
    (1..9).each{ |j| ar2 << (i + j).to_s }
    ar1 << ar2

  bug = Struct.new('Bug', :a, :b, :c, :d, :e, :f, :g, :h, :i)
  model = Gtk::ListStore.new

ar1.each do |bug|
iter = model.append;
(0…8).each{ |i|
iter[i] = bug[i]
picks = []
(9999000…9999999).each{ |i| picks << i.to_s }

  treeview = Gtk::TreeView.new(model)       # create tree view

  ###############  Add editable column to the tree view


  tex = Gtk::CellRendererCombo.new
  tex.signal_connect("edited") do |*args|   # Support data entry
    iter = treeview.model.get_iter(args[1])
    iter[0] = args[2]
  list = Gtk::ListStore.new(String)

  picks.each{ |i| iter = list.append; iter[0] = i }
  tex.model       = list            # Set values to select from
  tex.editable    = true            # User can change values
  tex.has_entry   = true            # User can type in text as well 

select from list
tex.text_column = 0

  col = Gtk::TreeViewColumn.new("Editable Combo", tex, 'text' => 0)
  col.resizable = true


  ###############  Add 8 non-editable columns to the tree view


  (1..8).each{ |cnum|
    tex = Gtk::CellRendererCombo.new
    tex.signal_connect("edited") do |*args| ## Data entry
      iter = treeview.model.get_iter(args[1])
      iter[cnum] = args[2]
    list = Gtk::ListStore.new(String)
    picks.each{ |i| iter = list.append; iter[0] = i }
    tex.model       = list          # Set values to select from
    tex.editable    = true          # User can edit
    tex.has_entry   = false         # User can't type in text
    tex.text_column = 0

    col = Gtk::TreeViewColumn.new("Combo " + cnum.to_s, tex, 'text' 

col.resizable = true

  set_default_size(150, 150)

