Celerity and Webrat (using them together, Benchmarks, same API?)

hey there,
I’ve been using Cucumber + Webrat for a while. The time has come to spec
and Ajax, so I’ve been playing around with celerity features (with
until now).

  1. How usefull would be to have a common API between Webrat and

I found usefull to translate webrat steps painless with:

step with typical webrat API

When /I follow link (.+)/ do |link|
visits path_to(link)

turn it into this, in steps/common_celerity.rb

When /I follow link (.+)/ do |link|
visits path_to(link)

trying to retain a single API Webrat-like when using Celerity

def visits(link)

  1. benchmarking webrat vs celerity and any other.

Also have notice that culerity goes slower than webrat, are there any
benchmarks about it? (I’ll try to put up some of those later) are you
noticing this also? or is it just me?

actually $ top shows some defunkt java processes but dont know whos
responsible culerity, celerity, jruby or my bad installation :slight_smile:

  1. Is it posible (I know it is CodeCowboy) to use them both together in
    feature run and say something like:

in some feature file been able to say cucumber to use only webrat

:webrat => true
Scenario running this step with webrat should save my time
Given …

would that be doing the feature “too low level” at the eyes of the
(should the :webrat => true part be moved to some other place?)

if the living together webrat and celerity would pass as valid, then my
latter implementation of the steps in point 1 (and every step run I
would have to make cucumber recognize which of the Webrat::visits or
Celerity::visits (or any other) is to be called

what do you think? does that make sense? I’ll come back with more


Joaquin Rivera P. wrote:

  1. How usefull would be to have a common API between Webrat and Celerity?

Very useful! In fact someone (Kamal) has already started doing that.
Check out his work on his webrat fork:

  1. benchmarking webrat vs celerity and any other.

Also have notice that culerity goes slower than webrat, are there any
benchmarks about it? (I’ll try to put up some of those later) are you
noticing this also? or is it just me?
JRuby and HTMLUnit are going to add some overhead, that is for sure.
Additionally, they are having to make real HTTP requests to a server,
where as with webrat’s rails mode it uses rail’s integration session and
is a lot more lightweight. I would stick to using the :rails mode in
webrat for as much as you can and then switch to Celerity for the parts
that need JS,

  1. Is it posible (I know it is CodeCowboy) to use them both together
    in same feature run and say something like:
    Yes. If you want to run them on the feature, and you can make it work
    with your step definitions then webrat provides two helpful methods for
    you to do this:

When /^I do this and that$/ do
webrat.simulate do
visit some_path
# do other non-js stuff
webrat.automate do
click_link “Some JS link”
# do other JS related things

So webrat#simulate is only executed in webrat modes that are
“simulating” a web browser and have no JS-capabilities. When you are
automating a browser, like with the Selenium mode in webrat, the
webrat#automate block is ran but not the webrat#simulate. I can’t tell
if Kamal has added these to his Celerity session but it would fall into
the case of #automate (even though it is simulating… but the fact that
it is executing JS is the distinguishing part.)

For some features you may only want them to run with a JS solution. In
that case I would recommend using Cucumber’s new tagging feature (only
available in the latest git version) and tag your features that need
JS. You can then create some cucumber profiles in cucumber.yml to only
run your JS and non-JS features independently of one another.

As you can tell, a lot of this stuff is very new. But what you
described is the end goal and give it a month or two and it will be
ready for easy consumption IMO. As it is now, you may need to help iron
out some problems with the Celerity webrat session. The big advantage
of sticking to the webrat API though is that you can easily swap out the
different adapters (i.e. selenium) and run your features without
modifying your step definitions.


hey Ben,
thanks for your answers,
I’ll give kamal work a try and have a look at the points you are
about webrat.
I’ve been playing with culerity for two days and it does not sound
to accomplish this we are talking.

But I was talking from the culerity part (haven’t look too much into
webrat). I have already started to bring together the common_celerity.rb
steps that culerity provides with the by webrat provided common steps,
the end by redefining webrat methods (like visit, etc) I can manage to
retain common steps, but still there’s to do. I’ll have a closer look to
your points and see. Check out here what I have now:

at the moment for cucumber to use culerity to run the steps, I just
the webrat initialization in env.rb. But the format.yml is indeed a
place to

more on that later,
