Celerity 0.0.2 released (and benchmarks are updated)

Celerity 0.0.2 was just released, and the benchmarks have been updated:

Celerity is a JRuby library for easy and fast functional test automation
for web applications. It is a wrapper around the HtmlUnit Java library
and is currently aimed at providing the same API and functionality as


  • 3 major enhancements:
    • Support for multiple how => what conditions
    • Fixed performance issue with collections
    • Specs will now run on Windows
  • 3 minor enhancements:
    • Benchmark scripts
    • Method generator
    • Fixed multi-byte characters issue for text fields

T. Alexander Lystad

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T. Alexander Lystad wrote:

Celerity 0.0.2 was just released, and the benchmarks have been updated:

Wow, the numbers look great. I could see this getting a lot of traction,
especially with Watir compatibility and greatly improved performance.

I wonder why Watir is so slow…perhaps just a really slow Win32OLE

  • Charlie

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