I’m using RoR as a web service to upload data. Unfortunately I’m often
passed poorly formatted XML (it’s written by users, not by machine)
and it often contains errors.
The XML parser that tries to turn the XML into parameters barfs at
some errors (e.g. mismatched opening and closing elements) and I
cannot see how to trap this error and report something meaningful to
the user. At the moment they get a stacktrace or an internal error
raise “xml error: #{ $!.to_s }” # or whatever you need to do
Ah, I still don’t quite get it.
As far as see it, my controller is not handling the XML, the RoR
framework is dealing with that for me, thereby populating the params
hash and THEN my controller is invoked. My issue is that malformed
XML is being presented to RoRand I cannot see how to trap the error.
As far as see it, my controller is not handling the XML, the RoR
framework is dealing with that for me, thereby populating the params
hash and THEN my controller is invoked. My issue is that malformed
XML is being presented to RoRand I cannot see how to trap the error.
Are you suggesting a different mechanism?
If all you want to do is display a friendly error message, then
overriding rescue_action_in_public on that controller might be what
you want to do. Or in 2.0 you can do
class MyController < ApplicationController
rescue_from SomeXmlException, :with => :bad_xml
def bad_xml(exception) #render some useful message to the user
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