So, I am currently working on an Interactive Fiction like game in Ruby,
and have stumbled across a bit of a problem. The ‘move’ function makes a
call to the room’s ‘exits’ variable (exits[:north], for instance) but I
want it to catch if the variable :north doesn’t exist to display
something like “You can’t go taht way!”. I can’t figure out how to do
this with my meager skills. 
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 10:34 PM, Tim M. [email protected] wrote:
So, I am currently working on an Interactive Fiction like game in Ruby,
and have stumbled across a bit of a problem. The ‘move’ function makes a
call to the room’s ‘exits’ variable (exits[:north], for instance) but I
want it to catch if the variable :north doesn’t exist to display
something like “You can’t go taht way!”. I can’t figure out how to do
this with my meager skills. 
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
This should illustrate the basic approach:
exits = {:north => ‘front of building’, :east => ‘fork in road’}
print "what now? > "
move = gets.chomp.downcase
dir = case move
when “n”, “north”
when “s”, “south”
when “e”, “east”
when “w”, “west”
if dir
if exits[dir]
puts “moving to #{exits[dir]}”
puts “you can’t go that way!”
puts “no such direction. please enter one of [n]orth, [s]outh, [e]ast
or [w]est”
Didn’t know a nice if like that would just take care of it! Also, did
you test that code? Or the concept? I’m pretty sure you can’t do
exits[avar[. I did some testing with that earlier…
Thanks a ton! You’ve helped out a lot! Oh, and btw, I still think the
whole obj_sword.strike(:martin) bit is hilarious 
On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 7:28 AM, Tim M. [email protected] wrote:
Didn’t know a nice if like that would just take care of it! Also, did
you test that code? Or the concept? I’m pretty sure you can’t do
exits[avar[. I did some testing with that earlier…
Yep, I tested it before pasting it in. What I’m doing is this:
- defining exits as a hash
- writing a case statement to convert move from “N” or “n” or “north”
or “NORTH” to :north
- using the converted move as a key to look up the exits hash
In the context of a larger game, you’d have a $rooms hash, with unique
identifiers like “front of building” as location keys. So you’d say
if dir
if exits[dir]
where player.move_to(location) would be defined something like
def move_to(location)
loc = $rooms[location]
if loc
self.current_location = loc