I am trying to switch from PHP to RoR. In my database, I have an
integer represent a string. So, for example, a row would have a 1, 2,
or 3. For example…
1 = Low
2 = Medium
3 = High
I do not have the Low/Med/High anywhere in the database; I just know
that in a row, 1 is low, 2 is medium, etc… In my view, when I
“show” a record, the record is shown as ‘1’ when I use the
In PHP, I would just implement a ‘case’ statement depending on what
the number represents. I was wondering how I would do it in RoR?
Would I use a if statement in the view? Put something in the
On Jul 9, 5:06 pm, “[email protected]” [email protected] wrote:
I do not have the Low/Med/High anywhere in the database; I just know
that in a row, 1 is low, 2 is medium, etc… In my view, when I
“show” a record, the record is shown as ‘1’ when I use the
In PHP, I would just implement a ‘case’ statement depending on what
the number represents. I was wondering how I would do it in RoR?
Would I use a if statement in the view? Put something in the
Probably better to put it in the model (untested code :-):
class MyModel < ActiveRecord:base
def priority
case priority_column_name # whatever column you’ve used to hold the
when 1
return ‘High’
when 2
return ‘Medium’
when 3
return ‘Low’
‘Unknown priority’
and then in the view call:
Priority: <%= @my_model_instance.priority %>
On Mon, 2007-07-09 at 09:06 -0700, [email protected] wrote:
I do not have the Low/Med/High anywhere in the database; I just know
that in a row, 1 is low, 2 is medium, etc… In my view, when I
“show” a record, the record is shown as ‘1’ when I use the
In PHP, I would just implement a ‘case’ statement depending on what
the number represents. I was wondering how I would do it in RoR?
Would I use a if statement in the view? Put something in the
I would map the numbers in the model:
class MyModel
1 => ‘Low’,
2 => ‘Medium’,
3 => ‘High’
Thank you for the information. I’m currently trying to look at what a
helper is and how to implement it. I think that’s the correct
route that should be taken now.
However, if I get too frustrated, I’ll probably use something like
Allan suggested because I think that would work as well!
Thanks again for the fast response!
In PHP, I would just implement a ‘case’ statement depending on what
the number represents. I was wondering how I would do it in RoR?
Would I use a if statement in the view? Put something in the
I would add a method to your model.
Say the db field is “priority” …
def priority_name
case priority
when 1
when 2
when 3
Then, call @model.priority_name in your view instead of @model.priority.
The advantage of putting it in the model instead of views is that if
you add another priority, it’s easy to change in 1 place.
Oh my god…that really worked! Thank you so very much!!!
As I said, I’m just starting out with RoR and I guess I’m just
surprised that it worked without many problems!
Thank you again so much!!!
[email protected] wrote:
…how do i do this?
when ‘lolo’: ‘no good’
Let’s go back to the “pretty dangerous” thing I think this is
beyond the acceptable danger threshold; you’re actually making it so
that Array#=== won’t work any more, which could really make things
blow up.
You don’t need to do the ‘dangerous’ thing to create the same effect.
You just need to create a proxy object that when === is called on it it
delegates to the original method. See my post further down the list for
full details.
case [2,3,4].casey.include?
when 1
puts “a”
when 2
puts “b”
puts “c”
wiz561 wrote:
Oh my god…that really worked! Thank you so very much!!!
def priority_name
return {1=>"Low",2=>"Medium",3=>High}.fetch(priority, "Oops")
Sometimes one kind of statement works better and sometimes another works
The advantage of putting it in the model instead of views is that if
you add another priority, it’s easy to change in 1 place.
Google “Don’t Repeat Yourself”. It’s a deceptively simple concept that
motivates all of software design.
Test Driven Ajax (on Rails) [Book]
“Test Driven Ajax (on Rails)”
assert_xpath, assert_javascript, & assert_ajax
Shai R. wrote:
drift) i’m not sure how to do it:
case [3, 45, 6, ‘abc’].inlcude?
when 1: ‘no good’
when 3: ‘good!’
when ‘lolo’: ‘no good’
(the above doesn’t work. it’s gives a ‘not enough arguments’ error. how
do i do it correctly?)
Here’s is a little trick that works
class Casey
def initialize(o)
@o = o
def method_missing(name)
CaseyMethod.new(@o, name)
class CaseyMethod
def initialize(o, m)
@o = o
@m = m
def ==(other)
@o.send(@m, other)
class Object
def casey
case [2,3,4].casey.include?
when 1
puts “a”
when 2
puts “b”
puts “c”
Brad P. wrote:
Array#include is EXACTLY what i need, but syntaxtetically (if u get
class Object
puts “b”
puts “c”
Brad P.
The problem with the above is that I don’t think it does what you want.
It breaks out after it finds the first match and doesn’t try to match
any further. If more than one when expression matches only the
first block is executed.