Case condition in view

can you use a case statement in the view.

i get a _erbout.concat “\n” error.

can someone please show the syntax on this.

I can do this

case my_variable
when “1”, “3” “5”

when “8”, “9”



but I can not do this in the view.
Am I missing something here or do I have to use nested IF in the view.



How do you use a CASE in the view?

yes, sorry

<% case my_variable %>

tried <%= case my_variable %>

neither one worked.

i will look at the code as to having it in the model or in the
controller, but i don’t think it would work.

eventually i did if [ “1”, “3”, “8”, “15”].any? { |x|…}

and got it to work.

Just for reference, you use

<% %>

to simply evaluate the code and

<%= %>

when you want the evaluation rendered into the view.

Depending on what you’re trying to inject into the view, you could put
the case in the controller and use it to put the name of a partial in
an instance variable, then use a render :partial=>@my_partial_view as
an alternative.

BTW, Phlip was right – you didn’t get quick responses because there
was not enough info for us to help.

OhMyRuby wrote:

case my_variable
when “1”, “3” “5”

when “8”, “9”



That looks fine by itself. (As a style thing, why does my_variable
strings instead of numbers?)

What’s in the … ? Is it %> <% ?

If so, write what you need another way (even if eRB supports that
Ideally, you should move the case to a model, and call a method on that
model here.

Also, does the top case have a <%= before it?

You must provide more details in questions, to increase the odds someone
the actual problem!


OhMyRuby wrote:

yes, sorry

You still didn’t post enough code!

neither one worked.

eRB can’t interpret code structured like this. I think you did this:

<% case %>
<% when %>
<% … %>
<% when %>
<% … %>
<% when %>
<% … %>
<% end %>

Think of eRB as a way to declare HTML inside strings delimited by %> <
%. This might work:

<% case
%>… <%
%>… <%
%>… <%
end %>

If you don’t see the difference yet, compare to an if statement!
