Carmen issue

Hello I am facing some wired error with carmen

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `collect’ for
<%= f.country_select(:country, “US”) %>

Please if someone can help that will be great.


On Sep 13, 3:36pm, Abhishek shukla [email protected] wrote:

Hello I am facing some wired error with carmen

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `collect’ for “US”:String):
<%= f.country_select(:country, “US”) %>

Please if someone can help that will be great.

The second argument to country_select (priority_countries) is supposed
to be an Array, not just a string. Changing the above to:

<%= f.country_select(:country, [“US”]) %>

should work.

–Matt J.

Thanks Matt,

Let me try that.
