I have a table that is populated using AJAX pagination (Kaminari). What
trying to do is view this page and make sure there is certain content
within the table. This causes a problem with my Capybara test because it
doesn’t wait for the pagination to finish before it checks the page for
content. I’m thinking it’s something simple that I’m overlooking, but I
have been unable to find a solution through google. I suppose I could
wait for a given amount of time, but this solution seems hacky to me.
Here is my test:
visit accounts_path
#This is the text that should be inside the paginated table
page.should have_content('[email protected]')
On Saturday, August 17, 2013 4:08:18 PM UTC+1, Garrett Wilson wrote:
Here is my test:
visit accounts_path
#This is the text that should be inside the paginated table
page.should have_content(‘[email protected]’)
This should work fine - capybara is pretty good at waiting for stuff to
load automatically. What capybara driver are you using? The default
rack_test driver won’t work here because it doesn’t run javascript
(since there is no browser). There are several drivers that do run
javascript such as selenium (which runs an actual browser) or ones like
poltergeist or capybara_webkit that run a headless WebKit browser
On Aug 17, 2013, at 10:08 AM, Garrett Wilson
[email protected] wrote:
I have a table that is populated using AJAX pagination (Kaminari). What I’m
trying to do is view this page and make sure there is certain content within the
table. This causes a problem with my Capybara test because it doesn’t wait for the
pagination to finish before it checks the page for the content. I’m thinking it’s
something simple that I’m overlooking, but I have been unable to find a solution
through google. I suppose I could just wait for a given amount of time, but this
solution seems hacky to me.
Here is my test:
visit accounts_path
#This is the text that should be inside the paginated table
page.should have_content('[email protected]')
Does this help?
This is typically why I use watir-webdriver testing async stuff just
seems more intuitive with wait_until and wait_for.