Is there any way to set up two different svn repository paths, if the
svn server is accessed in different ways on the client and server
I’m deploying to DreamHost, and the svn repository is in my DH home
directory, as well as being accessible over http. When logged into DH,
there is a massive difference in performance between accessing a local
repository and accessing it via http. svn ls file:///path/to/repository
is about 6 times faster than svn ls http://server/repos/path.
I’d use the file:// path in my deploy.rb, but that breaks the
latest_revision command that the client runs before deploy.
“cap deploy” takes nearly 10 minutes using an http:// repository
Jon Evans wrote:
is about 6 times faster than svn ls http://server/repos/path.
I don’t know if this would work, but you can try it. In your deploy.rb
task :after_latest_revision do
set :repository, ‘file://wherever_it_lives_local’
Jon Evans wrote:
Is there any way to set up two different svn repository paths, if the
svn server is accessed in different ways on the client and server
I have released a new subversion scm module that handles this case, the
details are here…
read the second half which deals with your use case, the first half
deals with local access to svn only.
Jim M., http://blog.wolfman.com